Frequently Asked Questions

Please read our FAQ before sending us a message.

Shipping charges are based on the size and weight of the package.

We accept major credit cards as well as ApplePay, and PayPal.

Once your order is received, it is packaged, labeled, and taken to the carrier (either UPS or USPS). You will receive a tracking number for your package via email so that you can check the progress of your package.

Invoices are automatically generated and emailed to your inbox.

The best way to go about a custom order/commissioned piece is to contact Anush by completing the contact form.
Convey your idea, how you envision or custom piece. Be detailed in your vision regarding color, size, any sketches you might have.
Anush will contact you.

After initial contact and agreement of fees, a 50% deposit will be taken to start work. Anush will share sketches with you based on your details. You will have 3 revisions of sketches before choosing the final.

Once your piece is completed and payment made, your artwork will be shipped to you.

Send us an email