New Year, New Website, New Projects

Happy New Year! I’m a bit late, and January has come to a fast end, but my wish is heartfelt nonetheless! I hope this post finds you and your loved ones all doing well. May the new year bring with it hope and peace, kindness and understanding for all….along with imagination, creativity, a generous sprinkling of magic, and the time to do and enjoy it all!

Here in California we were plagued with fires which left so many of our communities, friends, and families devastated. In our home, though we did pack our evacuation bags, we were not close enough but the winds were so strong we thought we’d better prepare. Thankfully, we didn’t have to evacuate, but we know so many who had to, and many who have lost everything – home and community. My thoughts and prayers are with those who have been affected, and our gratitude goes out to our brave firefighters and first responders.

I suppose a good place to start is with the idea I wanted to get back into blogging after so many years. And these past two weeks I have been home recovering from surgery so I have the time to sit and gather my thoughts. I’m doing well. I haven’t started driving yet, and I’m still in recovery mode, but it’s been a time of creativity. I’ve been crocheting like a mad woman, and have resumed with my watercolors and pens. My goal for the new year was to push the creativity and make time for it and so far so good. I’m hoping to post regularly and share new projects I’m working on, as well as craft ideas that I do with my grandsons, new recipes I try. Kind of a creativity mash up!

After many, many years on Etsy, I decided to launch my own website – I’m hoping to have my shop, blog and portfolio in one place. And while I’ll still keep my Etsy shop, it’s my hope that my customers will shop at my new site.

One of the things that I love doing is helping to bring my client’s artistic visions to life. Whether it’s a painting or an illustration, an idea for a special gift, or something you’ve always thought of but couldn’t figure out, I’d love to collaborate with you to make it a reality. The family tree here is a project that was started two decades ago. I drew this mighty oak 21 years ago. And then last year, I was asked to update it. In 20 years, the family had grown by 29 people! So I extended branches to add spouses and great-grandchildren (acorns). I was very excited with how it turned out. I love the idea of creating these family trees that become heirlooms for future generations.

I am finding a lot of enjoyment in creating Armenian-themed art and jewelry. While my Armenian village life note cards are not new, they continue to be one my best sellers.

I continue to paint with Armenian coffee and decided to create smaller Armenian coffee paintings for a Christmas festival I participated in at Armenian Church of Ventura County. Earlier in the year, I drove up to Fresno to be a vendor at St. Paul Armenian Church Festival – which is always a great time to visit old friends and meet new ones.

Other than these projects, working on the new website, and getting a new hip for my birthday (YAY!), taking accordion lessons AND Armenian lessons, my sweet grandchildren continue to bring me so much joy. I’m blessed to be able to spend time with them, and together to have the best time.

Wishing you all a very beautiful and blessed New Year. If you’re not already subscribed to my blog, please do sign up. And if I help you in any way, please reach out…I’m only an email away!



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